Sunday, June 21, 2009

Island Wildlife Natural Centre

2 babies seal, 8 babies deers, babies racoons, babies humming bird, baby rabbit, they are all recovering in this quiet center.
Des aides attentives les soignent dans le calme et leur donne tout leur temps et leur énergie pour les sauver.
Ils méritent de leur envoyer des dons.
This center works with financial support, one small part for the gouvernement, and part from local people, and a small part from Brigitte Bardot's foundation
They need and deserve your help.

Ma cliente Interactive

J'ai une cliente interactive, une parisienne gourmande de crêpes et de cannelés pas assez cuits. Elle adore voir tout briller même ma machine à expresso. C'est la seule à avoir pitié de mes plantes assoiffées.
Profile of my Interactive Customer :
- Parisian lady,
- fan of crêpes and cannelés,
- always coming after 5.00 pm to clean the shop and water my flowers.
- create beautiful necklaces with everything she finds.
- really good customer for Rendezvous.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

thank you Dheanna

Thank you to Dheanna who ask me to create a cake make with Petits Choux à la crème au chocolat. A new composition for a special event.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The scary Projects of the Islands Trust for the South End of Salt Spring Island

Salt Spring Island 2010 Improvement Project Bridge across Sansum Narrows

Fulford Harbour - 2
010- Improvement Project - Flying Car Terminal

Secret projects of the Islands Trust for 2010, attached images showing a flying car terminal to be built in Fulford Harbour, probably on the Drummond Park site, also a passenger rocket-ship launching facility to be built at the top of Mount Tuam, and even more shocking, a project of bridge over Sansum Narrows, connecting the future Fulford Harbour Flying Car Terminal with Vancouver Island through Isabella Point Road and Mountain Road, both Roads to be improved and enlarged.
It is now time to organize resistance, many South Enders have already joined the recently created MUSEUM ( Movement to Unite the South End and Underground Militia) and the FOG ( Friends of Guevara)

Courage, comrades,

Signature missing for security reasons

Please forward this message as broadly as possible.