photos 2010 Tuesday Market
This market is also called Market in the Meadow because it is located in the meadow of United Church, between Hereford Avenue and Philips Avenue, in the center of Ganges.
It is a small market with a friendly atmosphere, between 10 and 30 market vendors only related with food.
Some vendors are famous locally or more like Michael Ableman who has already written and published books (Fields of Plenty: A Farmer's Journey in Search of Real Food and the People Who Grow It. Chronicle Books (2005)). He is the owner of Foxglove Farm.
One of my favourite farmers is Charly and Bree from Bright Farm. (photo)
Organic vegetables and fruits, locally grown are the most represented on this market. But you can also find flowers....
or food like french pastries (Brigitte Rendezvous), organic hotdogs, sushis, cookies etc...
Many thanks to the United Church to allow the market to happen every year in their nice meadow.
Organic vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, flowers.... sold with the same happy enthusiasm , you can share this nice morning every Tuesday on Sat Spring Island, 10 am to 2 pm.